We all know that communication can be a challenge. We see it often on social media and in our daily lives. Many people simply aren’t trained in how to effectively communicate.
Poor communication can be quite challenging on an HOA board. In fact, it’s one of the most common issues HOAs face. If communication isn’t handled correctly, it can cause unneeded problems on the board and cause dissatisfaction among homeowners. This is why it’s essential that clear communication is a priority.
But how do you improve communication in your HOA? There are a few ways to go about it. One thing you should do is validate homeowners when they request something. You can do this by simply listening to their request and responding to them. Homeowners want to know they’re being heard and not ignored. Just listening and responding can go a long way to building a better rapport.
Consider the way you speak with others on the board and in the community. Make sure that you’re friendly, professional and respectful of others in all of your dealings. Always bring your best self.
While there may be times when you need to have private discussions, it’s important to have meetings that the community is welcome to attend. It’s also important to share relevant information with the community. This should be easily and readily available for homeowners to find.
That leads us to the other way to boost better communication. You need to have an avenue for which homeowners can get accurate and up to date information at the click of a mouse. You can share information on a private community social media page, through email or on a website. Homeowners should know where they can go to find this information. They should also know who to contact if there’s a problem. That’s why it’s essential to give them a point of contact in case of an emergency.
There are a number of steps you can take to continue to improve the communication in your HOA. Working with a trusted and experienced community management company is one way to do this. When you partner with us, we’ll make sure that your HOA gets an online portal through which residents can ask questions or make requests. It’s our goal to answer within 24 hours.
The portal is also used to house documents that an HOA board member or homeowner might be interested in, such as covenants, conditions and restrictions (CCRs), community bylaws and insurance certificates. The portal is also the place where monthly financial reports are posted upon board approval. Check out our website to learn more about how we can help your HOA community: https://www.pmiprincewilliam.com/.