Every HOA board member has the right to express themselves, but too often strong personalities can dominate the conversation and disrupt the flow of information. You can put the kibosh on personality differences before they become major sources of tension if you understand human psychology and interpersonal dynamics.
First off, it’s necessary to create a “safe” environment in which all people feel at ease and welcome participants. This promotes a wider range of shared perspective and can boost morale and productivity. On that note, here’s how to get the most of out your board meetings in 2021 and beyond:
Keep interruptions to a minimum. Talking over someone is often interpreted as a form of disrespect in conversation and business meetings. The person in charge should do their best to immediately (and politely) stop interruptions. This creates a climate in which introverts and extroverts alike feel heard and respected.
Control the volume. Loud talkers can be disruptive and overwhelming to some more reserved types, causing them to shut down and even disengage altogether. Try to keep the volume at a lower level when possible as to accommodate all temperaments.
Consider the environment. The wrong setting can put a damper on discussion, whether it be too hot, too cold or a room that’s too small. If possible, find a larger space and make sure you can easily adjust the temperature so that no one is sweating or shivering.
Keep tabs on time. If you have a cohort of Chatty Cathys on your HOA board, you’ll no doubt need to have certain measures in place to ensure no one person takes up all of the time. You might try the talking stick exercise. Establish a rule where the stick always passes left or right after 3 minutes. This is a great way to limit speaking time while being fair to everyone.
There’s a lot that you can do to add efficiency and productivity to HOA meetings and you’ll no doubt reap results from your efforts. If you need some help in that regard, we are willing and able to help make 2021 your best yet.
Our professionals implement proven, yet flexible, systems that resolve all association concerns. We can custom-design a solution around your association’s specific requirements and budget needs. Our main priority is to help increase the value of your community. Our managerial staff provides a variety of ways to help your association/HOA achieve this goal. Visit https://www.pmiprincewilliam.com/ to learn more.