HOAs are all about community, but that doesn’t mean they’re free of problems. The good news is, there are ways to prevent some of those problems before they occur. And if an issue does arise, there are steps you can take to manage it quickly and effectively.
Transparency matters
One of the things HOAs need to do to avoid potential problems is to be transparent. Homeowners will be less likely to trust your judgment or listen to your rules if they think the board is working against their interests. At the same time, HOA members are more likely to follow your guidelines if you appear genuine and authentic. When people trust you, they’re less likely to challenge you.
Communicate regularly
Communicating clearly with other homeowners is incredibly important as well. If there are new rules in place, homeowners need to be made aware of these. If homeowners aren’t sure what the rules are, then they’re more likely to break those rules. Every homeowner should be provided with any pertinent information, including contact info for when a problem does arise.
If an issue comes up, you need to handle it tactfully. Make sure you’re aware of any legalities that may be at play. Also, be sure that you’re treating every homeowner equally. This means if two people have the same problem, you respond to both with the same results. You can’t allow one person to get away with something that you don’t allow another to get away with. Additionally, there’s no room for favoritism in homeowner associations. That can get you in trouble with the law and make your association less trustworthy to homeowners.
Act promptly and respectfully
Don’t allow problems to fester. Handle them as quickly as possible. Respond to people within 24 hours so they know their voice has been heard. You should also focus on figuring out a solution. When the board decides on the appropriate action, don’t put it off. It’s important to act as you said you would within a timely manner.
If a homeowner writes an angry email or leaves a frustrated voicemail, allow yourself some time to calm down before responding. Don’t allow heated emotions to cloud your response. Once you’ve given yourself enough time to respond rationally, you can initiate a callback. It’s important that no matter how the homeowner acts you keep a good demeanor throughout the conversation. If a problem is bigger than you can handle or it requires a lawyer, make sure you seek the proper representation.
There are bound to be some issues in homeowner associations, but you can take steps to help reduce the number of problems that arise. You can also take steps to handle them professionally when they do occur. If you need additional help with managing your HOA, please contact us: . One of the best ways we can help is by improving communication and assisting you in being more transparent.