An HOA board is a team of people who come together to make the association better. They work hard to ensure that the right policies are made and followed. A good board works toward invoking policies and fulfilling needs that are best for the community as a whole.
Each member of the board should have a clear cut role to play. It’s important that each of the board members understands their individual role as well as the role of the board. They need to be familiar with the bylaws and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs).
When each board member knows their role well, they can fulfill their duties. It allows them to complete their job without getting overwhelmed. This is because when each member is fulfilling their role, extra work doesn’t fall to the wayside or on other board members.
It’s also important to make one of your board members a point of contact for the community. Complications can arise when there isn’t a specific point of contact or a backup point of contact when that person is not available.
When a problem arises and a community member doesn’t know who to contact, they could end up contacting a board member that doesn’t have that in their role description. This person may try to handle the situation on their own, instead of reaching out to the designated board member.
Also, two residents could call about the same issue, but call two different board members. If the board doesn’t communicate this between one another, it could end up with two different results. Additionally, if you don’t have one point of contact and a board member is called but doesn’t know who to ask about the issue, they may end up playing phone tag or dropping the ball altogether.
When a point of contact isn’t named for community members, it can result in a lot of miscommunication and a delay in providing solutions. This can also be an issue if an emergency comes up and a community member has no clue who to reach out to.
To have a successful HOA board, you need to work as a team, each person pulling their share of the work. You need to assign duties and have responsibilities clearly laid out. You also need to let community members know who to contact if issues arise. Coordinating communication within your HOA and assigning clear cut roles can improve your organization for the better.
If you’d like help managing your HOA, please reach out to us at PMI: We’re here to help you keep things running smoothly.