One of the biggest issues you may find in an HOA board is a lack of communication. This issue isn’t specific to HOA boards, as poor communication can be an issue for many organizations and businesses. That’s because effective communication is something that needs to be learned. Many of us have our own perspectives which can lead us to understand things differently. We also lead busy lives, which can cause us to trip up and forget to communicate certain pieces of information. And, these are just two of the many reasons people miscommunicate.
But, it’s incredibly important for HOAs to have good communication, not just for the board members but for their residents as well. HOA residents want to see transparency in their board and board members work better when communication is done well. Overall, effective communication makes the HOA more successful in its efforts.
One of the ways to improve communication is to make sure that instructions and job duties are clear. Everyone should know exactly what their roles are. When a point of contact is needed for something, then it should be clear who is to be contacted, etc. Nothing should be assumed on the board, instead, everything should be clearly stated.
It’s important for board members to respect one another. It can be easy for people to get caught up in their own perspectives, but it’s important to express empathy towards others on the board. Try to be understanding and give everyone a chance to share their input. The more you incorporate other perspectives, the more likely you are to be successful.
It’s also important that board members have access to important documents and that residents are well informed of necessary information. Residents should also be able to reach someone with questions as well. PMI offers a solution for this. PMI has a portal that allows residents to ask questions or make requests, and the goal is for PMI to answer them within 24 hours. This quick response time can make for happier residents. It can also be a time-saver for board members. This portal also houses documents that homeowners or board members may want to see, such as insurance certificates, CCRs (covenants, conditions and restrictions), community bylaws, etc. The portal is also a place where monthly financial reports are posted after board approval. Overall, this portal makes for a more communicative and transparent HOA.
If you’d like to learn more ways that PMI can help your HOA board operate successfully, contact us today: