An HOA board is a team of people who come together to make the association better. They work hard to ensure that the right policies are made and followed. A good board works toward invoking policies and fulfilling needs that are best for the... (Read More)
We all know that communication can be a challenge. We see it often on social media and in our daily lives. Many people simply aren't trained in how to effectively communicate.
Poor communication can be quite challenging on an HOA board. In fact... (Read More)
HOAs are all about community, but that doesn't mean they're free of problems. The good news is, there are ways to prevent some of those problems before they occur. And if an issue does arise, there are steps you can take to manage it quickly and... (Read More)
All HOAs have a set of rules and regulations. These governing documents are designed to help keep property values up and the community as a whole living well with one another.
Even if your rules are clear and easy to follow, at one point or... (Read More)
The nice thing about an HOA is that it's a community. However, with so many people to please, it can be difficult to keep everyone content. There will be times when you have to make decisions that not everyone will be happy with, that's only... (Read More)
Decisions, decisions! Today, it seems there are endless options when it comes to buying goods and acquiring services. Financial institutions are no exception. There are big international banks with a presence across the country. Regional banks are... (Read More)
There's a popular quote that says "don't give up what you want most, for what you want now." This is important to remember when making any decision. Many of us are quick to act. We live in a society that expects things now. Of course, there are... (Read More)
Throughout the world, the American people are known for their imagination and creativity. But could any of us truly have imagined the life we're living right here and now! It's a bit surreal, right?
What may have seemed unimaginable in the United... (Read More)
2020 has been filled with uncertainty. Across the globe, there have been tornadoes, earthquakes, a dragon storm, locust swarms, a viral pandemic and more. It's a startling reminder that we need to have emergency plans in place for when the... (Read More)