There are several traits that make for a great HOA board member. In previous blogs, we’ve discussed the importance of empathy and the ability to delegate. Here, we’d like to talk about adaptability.
Being able to adapt is a useful and important trait to have. Change in life is inevitable, but when you’re able to adapt, you’re also more successful. Adaptability allows you to be as flexible as needed and encourages you to see the best in things.
On the flip side, when you aren’t able to adapt easily, it can make things more difficult. You may struggle to see the positives of growth or be quick to strategize a new approach if a plan doesn’t go the way you had hoped.
Adaptability doesn’t always come naturally. It may take time to develop and hone this particular trait. But, it’s entirely possible with these tips:
Admit there’s a problem. If you know that adaptability isn’t your strong suit, the first step is admitting it’s time for a change. You can start off by looking for someone else who seems to exude this trait. Learn from them. Ask them how they approach challenges that they face. See how they process things differently.
Be open to new ideas. A lot of times we’re unable to adapt because we have an idea of how things should be. However, not everyone thinks as we do and things don’t always go as planned. Take time to learn how others see certain situations and be willing to listen with an open mind. When a change or challenge does arise, before jumping to conclusions about what may result from it, take time to learn as much as you can. Try to focus on the positives instead of the negatives. If there is a challenge, focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t.
Push yourself outside your comfort zone. Be willing to take some risks and face challenges head-on. Being put in these situations can help you learn how to adapt quickly. Don’t be afraid to ask for help either. It’s always good to have some support when you’re trying new things.
Adaptability can be empowering. It comes in handy when life throws you curveballs and can even help you be a better board member. By following the provided tips, you can master this trait. If you need any assistance managing your HOA community, please reach out to us at PMI: . We’d love to assist however we can.