Security cameras can be a great way to deter crime and identify perpetrators. It’s no wonder why so many businesses and homeowners decide to invest in them. But the situation can get a little trickier when it comes to an HOA. While cameras can help homeowners feel safer and improve community security, they need to be handled with care.
You need to be aware of laws regarding where you can and can’t place security cameras. It’s typically OK to install them in public areas where the whole community has access. That may mean outdoors, in the hallways and at entryways, for example. However, you will need to check your governing documents and any applicable laws to know for sure. If you do install cameras it’s important to keep the privacy of your homeowners in mind. You wouldn’t want to install them in private areas like restrooms or homes. You would also want to be careful how your outside cameras face, ensuring that you’re not accidentally intruding on a homeowner’s back yard or windows.
If you’re going to have security cameras in your community then there will need to be a budget set aside. You’ll need enough to cover the cost of equipment and someone to monitor all of the feeds.
Be careful who has access to the camera footage. You don’t want everyone to be able to view the recordings. Instead, it should only be a select few. This could be those hired to monitor the cameras, those in law enforcement or those who have the legal documents to back up the need for the footage. There may be times when a resident needs to view the footage as well.
It’s also important to establish rules for homeowners and camera installation. You need to know what the rules are if a neighbor wants to install cameras outside of their home. It’s important to have guidelines in place. This ensures you have standards that allow for a fair and equitable community.
Installing cameras can increase safety, improving the feeling of security across the community. But you need to proceed with caution. Make sure you’re well versed in any applicable laws and that you know your governing documents inside and out.
If you’d like additional help improving your community, visit our website We’re here to help you manage your HOA with success.