We know that communication can often be one of the top challenges for HOA boards. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to improve communication in an HOA, not just between the board members but also the whole community.
There are various things you can do such as having an online portal for important information and making sure signage is up to date. But there are other steps you can take to improve communication. While there are a lot of aspects to being an effective communicator, we’re going to focus on how empathy plays an important role in communicating well.
When you have empathy, you take time to consider where the other person is coming from. You think outside “your box.” Even if you don’t necessarily agree with the other person, you try at least to understand their perspective. You work hard to show the other person respect and you consider what their needs are, not just your own.
An empathetic perspective allows you to communicate more effectively because it challenges you to discuss things with a rational tone and find reasonable compromises. The person you are talking to will be more likely to be receptive as well, easing any tensions that could have otherwise progressed into bigger issues.
You can improve your own empathetic abilities by taking time to consider where you might be biased. You may find that you treat certain people differently. You may be quick to jump to conclusions. Be aware of yourself and these possible biases. When you take time to get to know yourself and what your biases may be, you can stop them from ruling your emotions and actions. You can be more deliberate to not rush to judgments.
Take time to get to know others. Ask questions. Make it your mission to learn a little more about other people. Just being willing to learn about others and make conversation, can challenge you to step outside of your own feelings and thoughts and be more empathetic.
Reading books can also push you out of your headspace. When you read, you see other people’s perspectives which can help you develop deeper empathy.
Some people are empathetic by nature, while others find it a little more challenging. No matter where you stand, the more you practice, the better you’ll get.
Want another way to improve HOA communication? Partner with us. At PMI, we make sure your HOA is transparent and communicates effectively. That’s our brand promise to you. Learn more by visiting our website: https://www.pmiprincewilliam.com/