As an HOA or condo association board, it’s your primary responsibility to put the community’s best interest first. From financial health to safety, the board must always act with this in mind. Social media risk management falls under that purview.
Employing social media to connect with residents can be a boon to your community, however, it can cause trouble if not executed or managed correctly. Here’s how to navigate the social media landscape:
Develop a social media policy guide and implement it. This is one way to ensure a community’s brand is being protected. Who will post and how will board members handle addressing sensitive topics? The guide should address issues like removing access for former board members and the like.
Safeguard credentials. Related to the point above, administrative access is a privilege, not a right. Regularly change passwords to social media accounts and keep this information on a protected device.
Monitor your reputation regularly. When someone searches for your community, you want them to easily find you, along with all of the positive things being said about you. Unfortunately, disgruntled current or former residents can harm your rep with negative comments. Consistent monitoring can help you address problems before they escalate into PR nightmares, as opposed to just taking a reactive approach and having to defuse an unpleasant situation.
Keep it light. The best approach to fostering engagement in your HOA is to post about neutral topics like holidays, activities in the community and upcoming local events. For example, you could advertise the upcoming social, weather advisories and fun family-friendly memes. Stay clear of politics and religion and don’t be afraid to remind people of your community standards if these topics come up.
The takeaway? Social media can help your cause, especially if you have systems and policies in place to set your community up for success. How does your HOA use social media?
Speaking of success, there’s a lot you can do to ensure your board members and residents are happy. Sometimes that means looking to experts for help with certain tasks. Our professionals implement proven, yet flexible, systems that resolve all association concerns. We can custom-design a solution around your association’s specific requirements and budget needs. Our main priority is to help increase the value of your community. Our managerial staff provides a variety of ways to help your association/HOA achieve this goal. Visit learn more.