If you’re on an HOA board, you know how many decisions the board needs to make. Sometimes, the things you want most don’t go through, and sometimes the things you voted against end up passing. As we all know to be true, in life, we don’t always get what we want. However, some of us handle that better than others.
That’s why when you’re on an HOA board, it’s important to learn how to handle these “losses” with grace. You need to know how to keep your chin up and move forward with positivity when things don’t go the way you want. It will not only make you stronger but make you better in life and as a member of the board.
When something doesn’t go your way and you act out or are rude to others, it makes people want to avoid you. It makes it harder for the board to work cohesively together. It might even make community members less satisfied if they feel the board doesn’t run like a well-oiled machine. But when board members can discuss things with a level head, they can get more accomplished and keep the organization running smoothly.
It’s normal to be disappointed when things don’t turn out the way you want. But, it’s how you handle these situations that speak volumes about you and your character. So, the next time something doesn’t go the way you had hoped, consider this.
Take a deep breath and try to clear your head. Exhale. Congratulate the others for their win. It shows you’re a gracious “loser.” Try to understand why the decision was made. During the decision-making process, it’s easy to get wrapped up in emotion, but try to take a step back. Think about the good that could come out of it. Remember that there will be plenty more decisions to make in the future and opportunities for you to speak your mind and have your opinion heard.
We all know the sting of disappointment when things go differently than we wish. But in those moments, it’s important that we focus on the positive. Remember the old saying “you win some, you lose some.” Even if at this moment you feel like you’ve lost, there are plenty of wins to look forward to.
If you’d like help managing your HOA and keeping the community satisfied, please reach out to us at PMI. https://www.pmiprincewilliam.com/. We’d love to partner with you.